Monthly Archives: April 2012

Daddy Is a Super Hero!

Shortly before naptime today Jonathan and I got on the subject of babies. I can’t remember even how we got on the subject or what was said, but it ended up with me pulling out a box of old pictures to look for pictures of Brian and me as babies.

I never did find a baby picture of Brian, but as I was pulling out pictures, one in particular caught Jonathan’s attention. His eyes grew wide and he said with a gasp of excitement: “Daddy is a super hero!”

Jonathan was just so excited– he kept telling me that his daddy is a super hero! And he insisted that I put the picture up in his room where he could see it as he fell asleep. So… if he tells you his daddy is a super hero, now you know the back story! 🙂

Cubs VS Reds

On Friday. JHK and I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field.  We picked up the EL in Evanston and took it to Wrigley.  We only made it to the 7th inning stretch.  The temperature got up above 40 somewhere, but I don’t know that it made it to much over 40.  By the 6th inning JHK was shivering relatively well, but insisted that he wasn’t cold.  On the way back we made friends with the conductor, he even made the horn go peep peep.  The next day, there were two highlights, he went to a game and the train went peep peep.